

Office for Student Success Summer 2024 Hours!

Have a question or need assistance? Meet with a staff member in Tompkins Hall, Suite 106.

Office for Student Success

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students meeting together

Our Mission

To support academic progress, student engagement, and well-being to ensure student satisfaction and successful student experiences, thereby improving retention and graduation outcomes.

GW offers students many resources to ensure successful academic, personal, and professional outcomes. These range from academic resources, individualized support, high impact academic, health, and wellness programs, career services, and more. We recognize that navigating a large university and knowing where to go for assistance can be overwhelming.  

The Office for Student Success (OSS) includes the Office of The Registrar,  Academic Success & Retention, Summer & Non-degree Programs, and Family Engagement. As part of the division for Enrollment and Student Success, we partner with schools and departments and student affairs to inform and shape factors that positively affect student progress, retention, graduation, and the overall student experience.  We embrace a holistic and comprehensive approach to student success, from pre-enrollment through graduation. OSS teams oversee the implementation of academic processes and policies from registration through graduation, special programs, and support services, to ensure that students have the resources they need to thrive in this dynamic learning environment.


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Your Story Your Success Starts Here with Icons


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Academic Program Support 

OSS offers college-readiness and dual enrollment programs for high school students and programs for prospective non-degree students. We provide targeted interventions, outreach, and academic support programs to incoming and enrolled undergraduates, working closely with scholar cohorts, first-generation and transfer students. We work closely with students and campus partners to provide comprehensive, holistic wraparound services as we understand the many factors that impact a students ability to be successful. OSS collaborates with advisors, faculty, staff, and campus partners to support students of concern and to provide guidance to get them back on track. We also offer individualized and structured coaching, with the goal of establishing academic skills and personal strategies to maximize each student’s path toward graduation. This includes working with campus partners to identify students, who meet eligibility requirements, to participate in special programs such as Summer Academy, to ensure continuation.

students getting academic support


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Health & Wellness

Personal health and wellness is critical to a successful student experience. OSS collaborates with departments, faculty, advisors, and the larger GW community as a part of a network of services that provides an integrated and holistic approach to student support.  That network considers the personal dimension of health and wellness, as well as accessibility to safe spaces, food security, and physical well-being and mental guidance, all of which are integral to a successful experience.

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Registration & Graduation

Whether you are registering for classes, tracking your progress, requesting transcripts, seeking certification or getting ready to graduate, find resources and important academic policies you should know from your first class at GW to your last.

students at graduation site



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Faculty & Staff

If you are faculty or staff concerned about a student, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We have listed useful resources here, and we would be happy to work with your student directly.


The university experience can be a big transition for both you and your student.  From developing professional networks to learning in new disciplines to finding and connecting with different communities, students will uncover identities and discover more about the world around them.  As parents and family members, you are important partners in your student’s success. We believe establishing a relationship with parents and family members is an important component of this academic, social, and professional transition. If you would like to receive information about campus and community developments and information impacting your student please sign up for the Family Listserv.