Faculty Feedback

Why use Faculty Feedback?

  • Research shows that academic progress, particularly within the first few weeks of the semester, is a strong predictor of retention and persistence.
  • The need for graded feedback on assignments, quizzes or mid-semester exams, within the first six to eight weeks of class, enables students to assess their progress and make appropriate adjustments or seek support. 
  • Faculty are encouraged to also submit feedback using the Faculty Feedback function in GWEB.
  • Your partnership in providing this information is critical in helping the Office for Student Success and Academic Advisors in our efforts to retain and graduate students.

What do we do with your feedback?

  • Timely feedback and grade reporting allows our staff to work with advisors, coaches, mentors, Academic Commons, and other campus partners, to offer timely interventions and support for students experiencing academic difficulty. 
  • We monitor and reach out to every student that you identify as having an issue, even if you submit multiple times.

For which students do I need to provide feedback?

We would like to know about these specific student populations:

  • Students who are in danger of failing your course;
  • Students who are not attending consistently;
  • Students designated as “Monitored” (these are students who we are either required to or intentionally monitor); 
  • Often these students are athletes, on academic probation, or a member of a special group or scholarship cohort that requires some type of grade report; 
  • Your feedback allows Office for Student Success staff and academic advisors to better assist them through the semester.

How do I use the Faculty Feedback function?

  1. 1. Sign into GWeb using your User ID and PIN and click on the “Faculty Feedback” link to display all of the classes for which you are an assigned instructor this semester. You do not have to be the primary instructor in order to submit feedback. 
  2. To enter Faculty Feedback, click on the box under the Description column. Note, the links under Course and CRN will open a window that displays course details. 
  3. Click on the down arrow next to the student’s name that you are entering the Faculty Feedback. Be sure to scroll down below the check boxes to enter any comments. Students for whom feedback is required will show at the top of the list as “Monitored.” All other students will show as “Optional.”
  4. Clicking the arrow beside each student (under ‘Show/Hide’) will provide a pre-selected list of "Comments" and "Recommendations” as well as a free-text comment field. Please include an estimated grade.

GWEB Instructions for Faculty Feedback

  • Step 1: Sign into GWeb and click on the “Faculty Feedback” link to display all of the classes for which you are an assigned instructor this semester. You do not have to be the primary instructor in order to submit feedback. 

  • Step 2: To enter Faculty Feedback, click on the box under the Description column. Note, the links under Course and CRN will open a window that displays Course details. 


  • Step 3: Click on the down arrow next to the student’s name that you are entering the Faculty Feedback. Be sure to scroll down below the check boxes to enter any comments.
    • Students for whom feedback is required will show at the top of the list as “Monitored.” All other students will show as “Optional.” 
    • Click on each student to enter your feedback and an estimated grade to date.
    • After entering the feedback, be sure to click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
  • Image
  • Step 4: Clicking the arrow beside each student (under ‘Show/Hide’) will provide a pre-selected list of “Comments" and "Recommendations” as well as a free-text comment field. Please include an estimated grade. 

    For all monitored students, please select appropriate issues and enter additional comments that you feel will be useful to advising and student support staff.



For more information, please reach out to [email protected]